Sunday, May 31, 2009

p/s; i lurve you

Some people are motivated away from the things that they don’t like and some people are motivated towards the things they want. Can you please be alert with what i try to shout out..plz, ok?

Ok, if you’re willing too, dis 2 words consists of 2 different element.

I take dis for our priority, medicallagousphere course. if this medic course wat r u aim for, yeah dats just good. BUT if its not, or mybe u take dis course for revenge,or bcause of ur papamama doctor so that u must follow them, or bcoz of money, or elsa bla3.. wat mater it is, u’re primarily motivated away from things that you don’t like then its important that you use strategy successfully to stay motivated.

I give u a situation.

If your house is messy, there is a point where it gets to be too much and gets tidied. At what point does da tidying begin? Does it begin at a comfortable level or is ur house a disaster motivated to clean it.


A Towards person is thinking about how nice the house looks when it is clean and is motivated to get it to look the way they like it, its time to tidy when da house untidy. can u get me? For other person,it is important to remember what is good about a tidy house so that they stay motivated to keep it the way that they like it.

So, whatever it is, maintain strong motivation is a focus on a goal. Like barca n MU last 2 night. (MU apecer heh, 2-0, wake up MU , plz.huhu).. Set a goal, define it very accurately, and generate a lot of excitement about the goal. Focus on what you want with a body of knowledge that supports that.

So, our aim--> complete dis 6 years without stuck in any years. hopefully….=)

Sory all my dear friend, my emo start to increasing bcoz of da chatterbox at one of our gempaks2 website, wat wbste is dat , oh just keep it secret. Da most important thing, let bygone be bygone. Plzzz..da over is over. Don’t look back. Our aim now is physiology rite, so keep moving forward.

Biar je org nk ckp ape,nk belagak ke ape ke, biar kan je. Yang pntg, hidup biar humble. Kite je tau kite stdy atau tidak, org lain x berhak nk measure. kalo dye bagus sgt, dye msti dpt mumtaz kan? Kalo x , siap r, suh toyol gigit tgn dye.hoho…just joking guys, dunt take it sries ok.

like this, our aim..menuju puncak Sinai!! bcoz of we set our goal definetly we get wat we want..

Dengan ini, saya merasmikan blog baru kami,

Sory ye kengkwn, blog ni bukan nk lawan blog2 terhebat masa kini..bukan sama skali..ataupun nk tiru blog2 umah@geng yang lain..

Cume nye, blog ini adalah blog link antara kami berenam..

Lepas ini kami akan berpecah (3-3)

Wani, fah n put akan duk serumah..

Titi, fatin n rai akan duk serumah..

So, dis is da way………………….

p/s; i lurve you..=)